Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[TechRepublic] Prevent users from seeing objects they can't access

June 03, 2009
Prevent users from seeing objects they cannot access with Access Based Enumeration
Windows Server 2008 now includes a feature that allows administrators to hide files and folders from users who do not have read permissions to these objects. Derek Schauland explains how this feature comes in handy for network administrators.

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Tool for the cloud: Elasticfox
The Elasticfox plugin for Mozilla Firefox is a good view into an Amazon EC2 cloud account. In this post, Rick Vanover shows how to get started with Elasticfox.

Cisco ASA's new Botnet Traffic Detector: Too good to be true?
Lori Hyde discusses the new Botnet Traffic Detector feature in the latest version of the Cisco ASA firewall. She explains how it's supposed to work but wonders how it will fare in the real world.

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How do I... Use RichCopy for high powered file copy and transfers?
If you copy large amounts of files or have a need to copy from one machine to another – RichCopy is the tool for you. Jack Wallen shows you how it works.

Create custom keybindings in vim
Vincent Danen tells you how you can work smarter in vim by adding and changing keybindings to more familiar commands.

What makes a good Linux distribution?
Have you ever asked yourself, "What makes a good Linux distribution?" Jack Wallen has (a number of times) and offers his list of the characteristics that add up to a good distribution. What's on your list of must-haves?

Nehalem now: 10 reasons to upgrade to the new Intel microarchitecture
Intel's Nehalem processor architecture offers some impressive new technologies, including enhanced Hyper Threading, TurboBoost, and Quick Path Interconnect. See why Deb Shinder says a Nehalem-based system will let you do more and do it faster -- and at the lowest operating cost ever.

Live Webcast: Email Archival and Security Takes to the Cloud

Join the cloud computing revolution and discover why it's a better, more cost-effetive option for handling your email security and archiving needs. (Google)

Social Networking in the Enterprise
Social Networking in the Enterprise Social engineering is growing rapidly as one of the primary ways people entering the workforce communicates. It's a communication medium they expect those of us managing today's businesses to provide and support. This cover story talks about the risks and advantages of social networking in the enterprise.

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