Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If the Internet was a nation, who would be its president?

If the Internet was a nation,
who would be its president?

Wed., July 08, 2009

If the Internet was a nation, who would be its president?

The Internet is a global community with over one billion residents. If it were a formal nation, who would its citizens elect as their fearless leader? Here are four candidates that TechRepublic Editor in Chief Jason Hiner proposes for a mock election.
Make your vote count.

-- Bill Detwiler, TechRepublic Head Technology Editor

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Quick Polls...
Do you use virtual machines to accomplish the same tasks for which you once used dual-boot systems?
Would you use an iPhone application that lets you tether the phone to your PC, even if it violates your cellular service contract?
Do any of the business locations you support use only wireless networking for end-user access?

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