Run With Vista Are you new to the Windows Vista operating system? If so, are you getting a little frustrated with being away from everything you knew in XP? I mean, going from XP to Vista is an extreme change and it can be very difficult getting used to all the new features. I know I felt that way when I first started working with Vista. I was so used to XP and I just felt like the two operating systems were like day and night! But, if you look past all the confusion, you'll find that there are a few things you can do with Vista to bring back the comfort of XP. (I'm not even kidding!) And as a matter of fact, I'm going to tell you how to do one of those right now. In Windows XP, a function I always use a lot is the Run command. It's just an easy feature to work with and it gets me where I need to go. Now, as I'm sure you've noticed, Vista doesn't offer the Run command. Or, does it?! To get the Run option back for yourself, right click on the Start button in Vista and choose Properties. Make sure you're under the Start Menu tab and then click on the Customize button. Scroll down near the bottom of the list and checkmark the box that says "Run command." Once you've done that, click OK. In the next window, click Apply, then OK again. Now, go and click your Start button. What do you see? Yep, the Run command is back and ready for some action. Yes! ~ Erin Make sure you keep reading to learn how you can recover any files you accidentally sent to the Recycle Bin, find out how to do special data formatting in MS Excel and learn all about the brand new version of Winamp. Also, find out how you can easily sharpen up your photos with today's digital photography tip and of course, don't miss out on Amanda's Cool Site of the Day. Enjoy!
This Ain't Your Grandma's Cookbook! The Best Cookbook You'll Ever Own! Super Sale - Just $10.97 Today Only! (10-22-2008) A Whoppin' 1100 Fantastic Recipes! Your Cookin' Is Gonna Blow EVERYONE Away! Whew- Cookin' With Betty Crocker was a HUGE hit yesterday! Thank YOU To hundreds and hundreds who ordered! The way these are flyin' off the shelves, we have to keep the special price for another day! If you missed out, just take a minute to read the description below, you won't believe all a cookbook can do! This has got to be, hands down, the best deal we've ever seen on a CD ROM cookbook! Oh, and not only are you getting all these amazing recipes - you're getting a seriously powerful digital cooking assistant! This is just LOADED with great features and it's really going to make your kitchen life much easier! First off, don't you hate it when you have a recipe that serves five and you only have two to feed? Heck, you spend half your time just trying to divide up fractions! YUCK! Well, this can easily scale the recipes for however many people you're trying to feed! Need to feed just two? It can do that! Need the same recipe to feed 10? Yup, just a click of the mouse! To me this one feature ALONE is worth the price of the cookbook! Then it gets even better! Say you're on a diet and you really need nutritional information for the food that you're making. Wouldn't it be great if you could analyze a recipe and find out how much fat, cholesterol, how many calories etc. you were taking in? Well, with this you can! It can easily do a health analysis and in second you'll know the nutritional values for ANY recipe!
What if you have a bunch of recipes that you want to add? No problem! Add as many as you like! Now, adding recipes is easy, but this takes it a step further! When you add a recipe, you get all the features mentioned above right at your fingertips! Need to scale your recipe for more or less people - it can still do it! Want nutritional values? YES! This can analyze YOUR recipes and give that to you as well! Oh, and you'll love this! What if you're not sure how to cook something? Maybe there's a technique that a recipe describes but you're not familiar with it - Sure wouldn't take much for that to happen to me! Well, this has tons of fantastic instructional videos! Yup, just pull up the video section then watch and learn! HA! Who needs the cooking channel? :-) Want more! Sure ya do! This can also create a shopping list for a recipe (print or send to a palm), e-mail recipes to friends and family, create weekly menus (and make those shopping lists from those menus), search recipes by keywords OR ingredients, and to top it all off, the interface is just fantastic! Whew, this is one amazing cookbook! Want one too? I don't blame ya! These are just great! Your cost is only $10.97 and US shipping is FREE! The paper version of this has an $85 retail! Plus the fact that it's all on your computer makes it so much more useful / powerful than those old paper cookbooks! Go on, give this a try - I know you'll love it too! PS - WARNING! This was a VERY limited quantity deal. PLEASE hurry to the site and grab yours while you can! Right now, we can't get any more and these are bound to be extremely popular today. See ya at the site! Express Your Life And Share All Your Memories!!! New PhotoStudio Expressions 2.0 ROCKS!! Create Images You Thought Were Impossible! Make Your Photos Look Better Than Ever! Sooo Easy Too- Just Point & Click!! This Program Has It All- All For One Super LOW Price TOO! I can't believe PhotoStudio Expressions came out with a bigger and better version! I am just sooo excited to tell you about it! I am not kidding when I say that PhotoStudio Expressions is one of our fastest selling products! This is the one program that we sell out in a matter of days, and people still request it even after it is gone! Well, now there's PhotoStudio Expressions 2.0 and it's bigger and better then ever - it blows the old version out of the water! Unfortunately, we only have a very limited quantity of this version, so you are going to have to get to the store early to make sure your copy is on its way! Seriously, our supply is really low... so order NOW!!! Most photo editing software can be extremely difficult to navigate, but not PhotoStudio Expressions 2.0! You'll be amazed at how simple this is to use. Better yet, it really has you covered from editing, to printing, to making CD slide shows, to e-mailing photos, to print projects (calendars, greeting cards, photo books, etc.) Basically, anything you want to do to a photo, this program can do it with point and click ease. You can crop, rotate, get rid of red eye, adjust brightness, sharpen, and that is only the beginning. Check out just some of the minor editing I did in a manner of minutes. Here is the original photo- you may recognize it from our wallpaper: Now after a few clicks of the mouse, this photo really developed some character. I even flipped the way the antelope was facing: And then with a few more clicks, I easily put a matching frame around the photo! With a few more clicks of the mouse, I made this picture look like an imprinted Steel Plate! How cool is this? I am telling you, this final project was so easy to make and I just love it!!!! You can even insert text and clip art into your images. And it all looks great!!! Check out this crazy picture! You will be amazed with everything that this program can do!!! With this program you can create impressive slide show movies to share with your family and friends. Plus, you can convert the files and play in on your DVD player, computer, and portable devices, including your iPod & cell phone!!! Now that is really cool! There is just sooo much you can do with this program! I am telling ya, you have millions of editing possibilities. You can cut out your friends and families faces and superimpose them onto different bodies. You can create special effects, photo montages with thousands of tiny images (this is really cool), add 3D text, and sooo much more! Here's a cool photo montage - look close - this photo is actually made up of hundreds of little photos!! I never thought I'd be able to do these so easily - just imagine all the cool ways you could use this - you'll be the hit of the next family gathering! Oh, and this also lets you stitch panoramas! Just take your photos (up to 16) side by side with a little overlap (a tripod helps), and this software can automatically stitch them into one long, continuous panoramic shot! Now that's cool!! I was so impressed with PhotoStudio Expressions that I switched from Adobe!!! And I can't begin to stress how much more I like this software - it's just so much faster and easier to use! Plus, I got a copy for my Dad, who always has his camera with him! And he loves this program so much that he recently scanned old family photos into his computer and edited, repaired, and preserved those priceless family pictures! One more thing and I swear I am done! This program comes with a bonus CD and DVD Label maker CD. And let me tell you, this is really awesome. It easily allows you to make amazing CD or DVD labels for all of your amazing projects! And I am telling ya, these personalized labels and inserts looks professional! I was amazed! This is one program that does all the work for you! And can really help you express the memories of any special occasions- including, weddings, birthdays, holidays, vacations, graduations, sports tournaments, and so much more! I am telling you, I couldn't live without PhotoStudio Expressions! Cost? This latest version is amazing! And the price is even better. For just $12.97 and US SHIPPING IS FREE, you will receive the PhotoStudio Expressions CD plus the CD and DVD label maker CD! Now that kind of deal you can't pass up! PS- I said it once, and I have to remind you one more time. Our supply of this program is very limited! Please get to the store early to make sure you will receive your copy!!!! Q: A: First, I want to say it's great that you were cleaning out your computer. It's a good idea to keep up with that, because it gives you extra space. Plus, there's really no good reason to keep old files, etc. on your PC. I also want to tell you it's fine that everything was put into the Recycle Bin. By default, it's just what your computer does whenever you choose the Delete option. Now, if you haven't emptied your Recycle Bin yet, you're in good shape. And if you have, don't worry. I have a suggestion for that too! Okay, for those of you who have not yet emptied your Recycle Bin, follow these directions. Go to your desktop and double click on your Recycle Bin icon. Once you do that, you'll be able to see all of the files you've recently deleted. From here, there are a few things you can do. The easiest is to highlight the file you want to save, right click on it and choose Restore. That will restore the file and send it back to its original location. You can do that for as many files as you wish to "bring back to life." Another option is to highlight the file you want to save, right click on it and choose Cut. You can then navigate to the location you'd like to put it in, right click again and choose Paste. That will put the file back in another spot on your computer for you. The third option is to drag the file you want to restore and drop it where you'd like to save it. All of those methods give you the same result, but like I said before, the first one is probably the easiest. If you already had several files in your Recycle Bin before you did your most recent cleaning, the new ones may have taken over the older ones. So, if there was an older file you wanted to save, it may be gone. It's always important to take a look back over all the files you've deleted before you put new ones in or empty the bin. That way, you'll know for sure what you're getting rid of and you won't have to go through the panic of realizing you deleted a wrong one. Now, for those of you who have already emptied your Recycle Bin, you'll probably have to look into getting some software to recover the lost files. I would only do that if the file is very important to you or if there's no other way you can get another copy of it. One of the best ones I've come across is called Search and Recover, but there are several titles out there. Just do a search with your favorite search engine and you should be able to find something that will help you get your files back. So, as you can see, there's no need to worry. We all make mistakes when it comes to our computers and that's perfectly okay. At least we all know there are options we can take advantage of when a problem presents itself. I hope you get good use out of this one! ~ Erin Have a question for the newsletter? Submit it at the link below: Special Data Formatting: The Easy Way Do you enter a lot of special data into MS Excel, such as zip codes, phone numbers or social security numbers? Ever find yourself wishing the parenthesis and/or dashes would just fill themselves into the correct locations? I mean, wouldn't it be faster if you could just key 5551234567 in for a phone number and have (555) 123-4567 appear in the cell after you hit the Enter key? Yeah, I like that idea too. So, let's see what Excel has to offer! First, you'll need to highlight the cells you're going to work with and then navigate to the Format Cell dialogue window. For those of you using older versions of Excel, you'll go to the Format menu, Cells choice. In Excel 2007, you can get there from the Home tab on the ribbon under the Number section. Click on the little down arrow in the bottom right hand corner or choose "More Number Formats" from the bottom of the Number Format drop down list. Also, for all versions, Ctrl + 1 or a right click and the Format Cells choice works too. With the Format Cells dialogue window open, you're looking for the Number tab. Toward the bottom of the Categories list, you're looking for the Special choice. Take a look at the choices offered on the right hand side. See them? Yep, that's right. All you have to do is choose one of the listed formats (double check that the location choice below is correct, so you'll get the formatting you expect) and click OK. When you return to the worksheet, you'll find that any data entered without the dashes or parenthesis has been transformed. In addition, any new data entered into the cells will not require formatting. Just enter in the digits and let Excel do the extra work for you! ~ April Holy Toledo!!! The Best MP3 Player We Have Ever Sold! It Even Comes With Its Own FM Radio! You JUST Gotta Check This One Out! AMAZING SALE- Just $18.97!!! Only 100 Available! Hurry- Order NOW!! When I saw this MP3 player, I immediately knew that I had to tell you about it! I am so excited, and, once you see this guy, you will be just as excited as I am. With this fabulous MP3 player, you not only get the MP3 player, but it comes with 512 MB of memory to store all your favorite songs, or more than 4 hrs of listening enjoyment! Plus, if you need extra space for more songs, this MP3 player has a SD/MMC memory card slot, which will let you put in a 1GB memory card, ultimately giving you space to store over 480 songs!!! WOW!! Now that will give you to ability to always enjoy all your favorite music on the go! Ohhhhh- but that is not even close to being all that comes with this awesome MP3 player!!! This fantastic listening device comes with its own built in digital radio that turns in all FM stations from 88.1-107.9! Now that is some amazing frequency! This radio works so well that I can pick up my favorite radio station while sitting in my office (a place where I am surrounded my concrete and no windows!) Once again, that still isn't all that comes with this, Nope! This MP3 player includes earbuds and an armstrap for handsfree use (great for working out!)!! WOW!!! That is a ton a awesome cool features! You know you are getting your money's worth on this one! Now, let's talk about the MP3 player. It has a blistering-fast USB 2.0 interface which can quickly get your music onto this mega cool MP3 player. And how about that awesome screen. It is digital and really easy to read! Better yet, its 5 line display shows artist name, title, track number and album! I am tellin' ya, this MP3 player keeps getting better and better! Oh- and the price couldn't be better too- just $18.97 and US Shipping is FREE!!! Wow! Now that is a steal. With this MP3 player, you will be grooving to your own beat in no time, and it won't put a hole in your pocket either. Check this one out! PS: Yes, that's right, our supply on this one is limited. And I just know they are going to go quickly. So get to the store and order now before they are gone!!!
You'll Love It For Traveling! Only $8.97 Today ONLY (10/21/08) Sick of having your desk cluttered with a bulky light? Wouldn't it be easier to see if the light was directly connected to your computer? With the USB LED Flexible Light, you can create space on your desktop and still be able to see the keyboard! What could be better than that!!! I wish I had one of these when I was in college living in the dorm, staying up late at night to study or write a paper! Not only does this thing save space on a desktop but it also doesn't require external power! Outlets next to computers are very valuable! Save the space on your outlet for something more important than a desk light- say, a computer! Wait until you see this thing- it only gets more sweet!!! This light has a flexible neck, which allows you to twist the light in whatever direction you need it to go! And it is super bright too! Don't strain to see with those dim desk lights, this USB LED Light, allows for focused, bright light to hit the page or keyboard! PLUS- this light is super "light", and able to be taken anywhere! It is perfect for traveling on a plane or it can even be taken into a meeting! Get this FABULOUS USB LED LIGHT for just $8.97 and US Shipping is Free! P.S. This thing is really too good to not live without! I got 2, one for the office and the other for home and I love them! Hurry! Get yours now!!! The price will increase to 14.97 soon!!!
Sick Of Being Disorganized? We Have The Solution For You!! Finally A Place to Store Your Flash Drives!! Extraordinary Low Price- Just $7.97!!! Case Logic has awesome durable products that really allow you to stay organized. This Case Logic 2 Flash Drive Holder is no exception. I have mentioned it before, and I know you will hear it again and again from me. I love flash drives and I have so many of them, it is hard to keep track of what is one which one, let alone, where I stored it! You have to admit, there has to be an easier way store these little flash drives that will keep them together, organized, and safe. Well, that is why when we found this amazing 2 flash drive holder, we just had to share it with you. Staying organized has never been easier. With this holder, you can keep up two flash drives safely stored in one place! Worried that your flash drive is too big or to small to fit inside the pouch? Don't fret! This case has easy access flip pockets that expand to store any sized flash drive!!! Plus, what makes this case even better is that it comes with a wonderful metal clip that allows you to connect the case to your keys, the outside of your book bag or business case, and so much more. Now that feature definitely provides easy accessibility to your flash drives!!! Oh and there is still more (who would have ever thought it!). This case also features a neoprene outer sheet that helps you store and protect your data, music, and photos. With this synthetic rubber sheet and a zipper enclosure, you know your precious, expensive flash drives will be safe. Your cost? Now this is where the mega deal comes into play. For just $7.97 and US Shipping is Free, you will enjoy the ability to organize and store up to 6 flash drives in one convenient location! PS:Last time we sold these holders, we sold out our supplier. So get to the site early to ensure that you get yours!!! What Drivers Do Okay, so you know a lot of the hardware you use with your computer requires drivers, right? But do you fully understand what those drivers do? I mean, what purpose do they actually serve? Why are they needed to make your computer hardware work properly? Well, those are all great questions and if you read through the tip we're featuring on our homepage today, you'll get all the answers. That's right, all your driver questions are answered right in the tip. All you have to do is go check it out! Wildlife Photos So, tell me, how many of you like to explore the wild outdoors? And do you love to see the animals that live out there? There are so many different and interesting wild animals, it's hard not to be intrigued by them! Now, before I go exploring, I like to look at pictures of the animals just to see what some of them actually look like and that's when the cool site on our homepage today comes in handy! It's called Wildlife Photos and it contains some of the most beautiful pictures you'll ever see. Trust me, you don't want to miss it! Here's the link you need: Enjoy! New Release: Winamp 5.541 As you may know, Winamp has always prided itself on being a free service and because of that, it has a steady, loyal following. And version 5 is no different, so let's check it out! Winamp version 5.541 looks good with a completely new interface and it comes with comprehensive file support. The audio support also includes CDA, MIDI, MP1/2/3/4, AAC, OGG, WAV, AIF, WMA and more. Support for video was added in version 5.52 and it continues on in version 5.541 with MPG, M2V, AVI and ASF formats. The new version also packs a good deal into a fairly slim package, with the player incorporating everything you would expect and more, including loop, repeat, ID3 tag support, cross-fading between tracks, 2x CD burning/ripping, Internet TV, radio support and so much more. Winamp 5 also comes with a media manager, 10-band graphic equalizer, visualizations and a playlist editor. You can even upgrade to the Pro edition to get full support for ripping/encoding audio into the MP3 format and integrated CD burning up to 48x speeds. Winamp was born as a very basic media player and it has consistently improved for many years. Its main purpose is to be completely customizable and through the years, many people have contributed to a library that now consists of 20,000 skins and 461plug-ins. When version 5 was released, Nullsoft redeemed themselves in the public eye after producing a much improved player to replace Winamp 3. They didn't need much encouragement, as they justified skipping version 4 by saying it was such a huge improvement, it deserved a higher number! Luckily, they're justified in their opinion, because Winamp offers everything you could ever want in a media player. By using the skins, you can set it to look like the original or the current default, which looks great and puts you in control of all your media. I personally like the minimized player that consists of a small bar you can place on the edge of your screen. Of course, if neither of those agree with your tastes, you can download and try any of the thousand others available on the Winamp Web site. So, you may ask, "What’s new in Winamp 5.541?" Well, allow me to tell you!
So, now that you know, go on and enjoy your new Winamp! ~ Ramachandran Kumaraswami If you enjoy our tips, tell your friends. That's what keeps this newsletter growing.
Sharpening Up Your Photos I’ve been using Adobe Photoshop for the better part of 15 years. When I was a beginner, Photoshop was like a beautiful girl who can’t get a date, because everyone is too intimidated to talk to her. I really wanted to try it, but I figured it was just too sophisticated and I’d strike out. Sound familiar? Well, let’s work on boosting your confidence then! You see, Photoshop has an amazing set of out-of-the-package filters that will perform outstanding graphic conversions without you having to break a sweat. Today, I’m going to introduce you to Photoshop’s High Pass Filter. It's a must for anyone who wants to sharpen the look of any digital photo. Let's give it a try! Let’s start with a digital photo that wasn’t shot with a high-end camera. When I say “high-end,” what I mean is a camera with a high megapixel rating. Most consumer digital cameras available today run anywhere from three megapixels to eight megapixels. The higher the number, the cleaner the shot. (You can read this tip for more information on that). I’ll be using this photo of my dog, Pepper: That photo was shot with my cell phone camera (not known for their clarity), so it’s a perfect example of how to take a “fuzzy” photo and sharpen it up almost instantly. You’re going to love this! Start by opening your image in Photoshop. As you may know, Photoshop allows you to work in layers, so you can make all your corrections on a new layer that’s separate from your original photo. How cool is that?! Across the top of your screen in Photoshop, you’ll see a listing for “Windows.” That tells Photoshop what you want to see in your workspace and what you don’t. Click on the Windows tab and then scroll down through the list to Layers. Click on Layers and a new window will open that shows you all the layers of your file. So, now we’ll create a duplicate layer of Pepper by choosing Layer across the top and selecting Duplicate Layer. What you’ll end up with is an exact copy of your photo (see picture below): Your duplicate layer will be called Background Copy. That’s the one you’re going to apply the High Pass Filter to. So, here’s the deal! Along the top of the page, select Filter and then scroll down to Other. Clicking on Other will reveal five more choices. Pick High Pass. At this point, the photo will turn gray, but don’t panic! Remember, we’re working on a new safe layer and your original image is underneath it. A dialogue box will then appear. You can adjust the effect more or less to your liking when you have time to experiment, but for now, go ahead and click OK. What the High Pass Filter does, essentially, is pay closer attention to the details of an image and it ignores the rest. It’s almost like throwing a piece of tracing paper over a picture and tracing the outline. So, where’s your big result? Well, here we go! In the Layers window, right above the little icons on your photo and its “copy,” you’ll see the word “Normal” with an arrow next to it. Click on the arrow and hold it to reveal a list of layer styles for you to choose from. Scroll down through the list and choose Overlay. When you let go of your mouse, watch your photo! The High Pass Filter has pumped up the detail areas, taking Pepper from “fuzzy” to “fantastic!” Now, if you'd like, you can go to the little “eyeball” located next to your Background Copy image. Clicking on the eyeball over and over will turn the High Pass Filter on and off so that you can see the before and after! Pepper never looked so good. Try this with a photo of your best friend today! ~ Dominic Russo For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter. Have you ever wondered how to do something? I know I do all the time! Well, I’d like to welcome you to Wonder How To, a Web site devoted to teaching you how to do things through video tutorials. Now, I wouldn't recommend letting your kids run wild on this site, because there are a few videos about alcohol and pranks. However, if you weed those out, there are a lot of really great videos! I’ve already used this site to find out how to do some algebra, how to do my makeup for Halloween, how to draw clouds and how to cook several different dishes I was leery of trying due to complexity. You can navigate the site with the search engine, the navigation tabs or my favorite method is to just start with one video that catches your eye and then go through the related videos for that topic. This site covers everything from replacing light switches to painting a room. You can even find how to videos for software you might own. I also ran across several very helpful Photoshop videos. Check it out today! ~ Amanda Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share?
Shine a brilliant light right where you want it! This 9 LED Aluminum Flashlight features 9 super bright white LEDs and is constructed of an black aluminum material! It operates on 3 AAA batteries (not included) and is great around the house, in the car or anywhere you need light! Powerful and portable, this 9 LED Flashlight is the perfect choice for the demanding flashlight buyer October Wallpaper Here's October's wallpaper. It's all free, so enjoy!
All can be found here: Enjoy! | ||||||||
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Have you ever felt like throwing that computer out the window? Or maybe throwing the Windows out the window? Okay calm down, we are collecting as many helpful newsletters from experienced guru authors to help you. Of course I actually may write a few myself. I have been working at computers since the 70's and had my own business for about 17 years. will give you some good tips about computers and some FREE software! See notice at bottom.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Computer Tips [ Recycle Bin Nightmares + Amazing New Media Player Download + Make Your Photos Razor Sharp! ] 10/21/08
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