Have you ever felt like throwing that computer out the window? Or maybe throwing the Windows out the window?
Okay calm down, we are collecting as many helpful newsletters from experienced guru authors to help you. Of course I actually may write a few myself.
I have been working at computers since the 70's and had my own business for about 17 years. Cpedley.com will give you some good tips about computers and some FREE software! See notice at bottom.
PC Pro podcast: On this week's show the team discuss the damp squib that was Conficker; Google's unusual method of combatting piracy; and the end of Wikia Search and Encarta. Download it now
Join us today at 11.30 GMT for a live chat with our Intel Server experts to ask any questions you have on the latest Intel Xeon Processor 5500 series for intelligent servers. The Intel Xeon processor 5500 series automatically and intelligently adjusts server performance according to your application needs. So you'll get maximum performance when you need it and gain big energy savings when you don't. And when you need greater IT control, you can manually configure performance and power settings whenever you want
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Wales kills off Wikia Search Less than a year after launch, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has thrown in the towel on his attempt to revolutionise search
Join us today at 11.30 GMT for a live chat with our Intel Server experts to ask any questions you have on the latest Intel Xeon Processor 5500 series for intelligent servers. The Intel Xeon processor 5500 series automatically and intelligently adjusts server performance according to your application needs. So you'll get maximum performance when you need it and gain big energy savings when you don't. And when you need greater IT control, you can manually configure performance and power settings whenever you want
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Intel Xeon 5500 series AMD falls even further behind in the server race as Intel delivers new Nehalem-based processors
Boston Quattro 5500GP A remarkably innovative rack server blessed with two of Intel's quad-core Xeon processors
Asus Eee PC 1000HE The Eee PC continues to evolve - this time with better battery life and a Scrabble-tile keyboard
Join us today at 11.30 GMT for a live chat with our Intel Server experts to ask any questions you have on the latest Intel Xeon Processor 5500 series for intelligent servers. The Intel Xeon processor 5500 series automatically and intelligently adjusts server performance according to your application needs. So you'll get maximum performance when you need it and gain big energy savings when you don't. And when you need greater IT control, you can manually configure performance and power settings whenever you want
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Join us today at 11.30 GMT for a live chat with our Intel Server experts to ask any questions you have on the latest Intel Xeon Processor 5500 series for intelligent servers. The Intel Xeon processor 5500 series automatically and intelligently adjusts server performance according to your application needs. So you'll get maximum performance when you need it and gain big energy savings when you don't. And when you need greater IT control, you can manually configure performance and power settings whenever you want
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Thanks for understanding that we need to prevent the nasties.
Personal & Educational Use Only
This blog consists mainly of FREE newsletters from computer web gurus that I receive. I thought you might like to see them all in one place than try to discover them on your own. A moderate amount of editing may be done to eliminate unrelated repetitious ads or unnecessary text which bloat the post.
However I have given the authors full credit and will not remove their site links because you deserve to see where it comes from and they deserve to get credit for what they have written. Your use of this site is simply for educational purposes.
For more computer-related help go to:
for free software, advice and tips on low cost products which are very helpful.
If you want to contact the editor, please go CPEDLEY.COMand check the Contact page for email address.
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Thanks for understanding that we need to prevent the nasties.