Friday, April 24, 2009

[TechRepublic] What's to blame for failed IT projects?

April 24, 2009

IT projects fail most often due to organizational issues

IT CareerCareer blogger Toni Bowers cites an example of an IT project that went horribly wrong. One project management expert says that technical glitches are almost never the main problem with a project failure. What do you think is the most common reason for IT projects to crash and burn?

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Geekend Picks of the Week

GPSImages: NASA's biggest achievements for Earth
In time for Earth Day, NASA ran an online contest to let Earthlings pick the top 10 biggest accomplishments in the agency's five decades of observing the planet.

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A geek stalker's work is never done. After our first list of 50 ubergeeks on Twitter, we found a whole bunch more, and then we were nice enough to list them for you. Enjoy.

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Jay GarmonGeek Trivia: Lucky number (thirty) seven
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Destination: Mars. While NASA has placed machinery on Earth's neighboring planet, including a pair of hardy little rovers and the Phoenix lander, human travel remains somewhere off in the future.

Ironkey Spotlight: Ironkey encrypted flash drive
While software-based encryption is not bad, the most effective encryption is achieved via hardware. That is where the Ironkey encrypted flash drive comes into play.

iWood iPhone spoofiWood 3B: could this smartphone take a bite out of Apple?
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MultitouchPhotos: Many uses for multitouch
At the Interactive Displays 2009 conference here Wednesday, a small group of participants aimed to figure out not just where the science of touch and gesture is headed, but also where the dollars are.

Find more optical distractions in the TechRepublic gallery collection and the TR video channel.

Built-in change processes increase chance for IT project success
Jay Rollins describes what he likes about the built-in change process his company uses and explains how it compares to the traditional project management approach.

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