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1.) Quick Tip - Vista Key Alarms There isn't much time left in this month's Photo Contest! Be sure to get your national park submissions in soon for a chance to win a $50 Worldstart Gift Certificate! We're getting some incredible entries! Vista Key Alarms If you remember the Caps Lock Alarm tip for Windows XP, then you're going to love that you can do the same thing for Windows Vista, too! Those of you who have already upgraded may be left in the dark on a few simple procedures, but on a positive note, I'm here to help. I'm so excited to tell you how to do this, so let's get to it! In Vista, go to Start, Control Panel and click on the Ease of Access link. This is the same as the Accessibility Options in XP. From there, click on the link that says "Change how your keyboard works." Once you're in that window, go down to the middle of the page and checkmark the box that says "Turn on Toggle Keys." This will then activate a beeping sound every time you hit the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock keys on your keyboard. Go ahead and give your keyboard a try. Hit the Caps Lock key and you'll hear a beeping noise. You can then do the same for the Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys. These are keys that we all accidentally hit every once in awhile, but with this alarm, you won't have to worry about messing up what you're working on (typing in all caps, for example). This gives you a simple warning and you can then go and undo the key you hit. After that, you can just go on with your day and all will be perfect! ~ Erin Did you like this tip? Did you not? let us know by rating or adding to it here:
Our Most Amazing Deal EVER On An LED Flashlight! Blindin' Bright 9 LED Flashlight - Just $6.97!!!! That's No Typo - These Incredible Flashlights Really Are Just $6.97! Grab As Many As You Can! Rock-Solid, Heave Duty, Aluminium, Super Bright!! WOW!! WOW!!! One of our suppliers just scored a jaw-droppin' deal on some fantastic 9 LED Flashlights - and we're passin' the savings on to you! We're talking just $6.97 for a 9 LED Flashlight! We've never had 'em that cheap! Heck, I'm not sure anyone has ever had 'em that cheap! It's a knock-out deal, that's for sure! Oh, and wait till you try 'em! Turn it on BUT don't look into it - this baby is really BRIGHT! It's absolutely amazing how much light those 9 LEDs throw out! You wouldn't think a flashlight this small would be this BLINDIN' BRIGHT!!! WOW!! Speaking of size - wait till you feast your fingers on this little guy! It's super-compact and easily fits in the palm of your hand! Makes it super-easy to take anywhere! I already have one in each of my cars, and my wife keeps on in her purse. It's so small you don't even know it's there - till ya need it! Grab one for each of your cars, your camper, boat, house, garage, camera bag - anywhere you need a small, bright, reliable light! Plus, this thing is REALLY well built too! Don't let the price fool ya! These aren't some cheap plastic lights - this bad boy is SOLID! We're talking a heavy-duty all aluminium barrel that can really take some serious pounding! Plus, the grip is just fantastic and I can personally attest that even when your hands are dripping wet (or snow covered), it's easy to keep ahold of! Get this - since this is an LED flashlight, it seems to run FOREVER on a set of batteries! Changing batteries or running out of juice is going to be a very RARE thing now! Oh, PLUS don't forget that you won't ever have to worry about the LEDs burning out - Heck, even if you kept it on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it would take 11 YEARS before they would burn out! WOW!!! If you've looked at LED flashlights, you know they are the pedigree of the lighting world - for a light like this, you're looking at least $20-$30 easy. Your cost? Again we're talking just $6.97 and US Shipping is FREE!! It's the BEST DEAL we've ever offered on an LED Flashlight! Give it a try, you'll be glad you did! http://store.worldstart.com/ PS - At this price, you'd better grab a few! Can't go wrong for $6.97!! Not sure how long these will be available to us at this kind of price, so RUN to the site and get in on this as soon as you can! The price may increase without notice - get 'em while they're $6.97!!! Binoculars With A Built-In Digital Camera!!! Big 7x Image Magnification! There have been times when I've gone to a football game and had my binoculars and wished that I could take some pictures of what I was seeing. Sure, you can schlep along a digital camera with a zoom lens, but it's not much fun watching a game through a camera lens! (Trust me...I tried it - but only for a few minutes.) That's why I was so excited when we got these in! After all, this could be a great solution for all of us who have struggled with the "binocular vs. camera" conundrum! I got to admit, I was "cautiously optimistic" when I first saw these. But I saw these were made by Bushnell - a trusted, old "stand-by" in the field of optical products. So I thought, "What the heck...let me give 'em a run thru!" These work just like a regular set of binoculars but it has the added feature of a built-in digital camera! So you can "See" a scene just like you normally would with a pair of binoculars. But, then you can also "Save It", and then "Download It" to your computer and even "Edit It"! Hmmm...that seemed interesting! Sure enough just like a regular set of binoculars, there's a "focus" knob. Actually, I thought was even better than most binoculars cuz it's in a convenient spot - right underneath the base of the camera, right by your thumb so it's easy to adjust. Also, there's an "eye adjustment" feature so you can get a perfect fit for the distance between your eyes. Heck, there's even a an additional setting to adjust for individual eye strength! (Something called a "diopter setting", apparently a feature that Bushnell binoculars have. Didn't expect to find something like that.) Maybe I was really onto something! Come to find out that it has "fully coated optics for optimum light transmission", plus it uses a "Porro prism system". Not sure about all that - all I know is that the magnification was pretty darn strong (7 x 18 mm magnification) and the view was very clear! In fact, it was better that other binoculars I've used that were much more expensive! As they say, "the proof is in the pudding", so I wanted to see what kind of pictures it would take. So I ran outside a took a few shots and well, you tell me! This first one of, "Old Glory", it was about 60 feet away from where I was standing. What's interesting is that it was pretty windy out when I snapped that shot and there's not a blur in the shot! Next, I thought I'd see how these would work with a moving object - just like if you were at a sporting event (football game, car race, whatever). Now, it just so happens this street has a posted speed limit of 50 mph, so I think it's safe to assume this car was moving at about that rate. And once again, no blur!!! What do ya think...not bad, heh? This is EXACTLY the thing for taking "stop action" shots! Also, I like that fact that this has a 1/4" standard tripod mount. Especially handy if you want to use the "Timer" feature and jump in the shot yourself! Also, this neat little binocular-camera has a button on top that let's use access different features: Timer - will take a photo after a 10 second delay when you press the shutter Repeat Shot - This is neat. It takes a rapid series of 3 consecutive photos about 12 second apart when you press and hold the shutter button. High/Low Photo Quality - This allows you to take photos at different resolutions (640x480 or 320x240). Movie Mode - This lets you take short movie clips ("avi files", at 320 x 240) Delete - Lets you delete the last photo or all photos on the camera There's an LCD Display at the top of the camera that shows you what "Modes" you selected and also shows you how many pictures you've already taken. As far as downloading the pictures to your computer, it couldn't be easier! It comes with a software program by Roxio, which makes excellent software products! (Now that I really didn't expect!) Just load the CD into your computer, plug one end of the USB cord (comes included!) into the camera and the other end into your computer and you're ready to roll! Just click on a couple of icons to transfer the pictures onto your computer and that's all to it! You can even edit your pictures directly from their if you want, which is perfect for someone who's pretty new to taking digital pictures and all. If you've been taking photos for a while and you're comfortable doing more advanced editing you can use a more advanced program specifically designed for photo editing, like this one we use. And check out all the accessories that comes with it including: a USB Cable, a Carry case and carry strap! I got to tell you, I was really pleasantly surprised with this little Bushnell beauty! Has just enough features to be really handy and useful without being too complicated! Easy to use and it works great! Plus it's compact so you can stick it in your pocket or attach the carrying case to your belt and go that route! This is great for sight seeing, sporting events or even family get togethers! This Bushnell "binocular-camera" is something we know you're gonna love so we're gonna let you have this at a price that'll put a smile on your face (Say, "Cheese!) Grab one of these units today for just $39.97 and US shipping is FREE!!! http://store.worldstart.com/ P.S. - It has a "rugged" design so don't be afraid of bringing this along where ever you go...after all, that's what it's for!!! Q: A: First you need to activate your Junk Mail Controls. Go to Tools>Account Settings. Under "Junk Settings" check off "Do not mark mail as junk mail if the sender is in: Personal Address Book". Next you can choose to delete junk or have it go to a Junk folder. I would recommend the folder until you get the filter thoroughly trained, otherwise you may lose good mail. Check off "Move incoming messages to:", then select "Junk folder on:" and "Local Folders". You can then set the Junk folder to automatically empty after a certain amount of time. As for the manual junk filter, that can be set to delete when a message is marked as junk. Now when you get your email you can check in your Junk folder to see if anything was sent there that shouldn't be. If something is there by accident, highlight the email and look at the topyou'll find a "Not Junk" button. If you want to save the message you will need to manually move it to a folder (Click, drag and drop). If you find unwanted mail in your Inbox, highlight it then type the letter "J". The Junk filter will remember it next time There you have itan adaptive mail filter that improves with use. Thank you Mozilla. ~ David I Choose Formulas! I'm sure that many of my Excel users know how valuable it can be at times to see formulas in your worksheet instead of their calculated values. I mean, sometimes you just need to verify that everything is calculated the way you need it and often the easiest way to accomplish the task is to double-check the formula. So it stands to reason that Excel would include a way to display the formulas on a worksheet for you to inspect. And, of course they do. For those of you using older versions of MS Excel you can find the instructions for getting Excel to display formulas instead of values in our archives at this address: http://www.worldstart.com/tips/tips.php/1132 Now, for my Excel 2007 readers did you find it yet? The option is still there, you just have to know where to find it. You need to get to Excel's options through the Office button. Once in the Excel Options dialog window go to the Advanced options. Scroll down to the Display options for this worksheet section. Verify that the sheet you want to affect is selected in the gray title bar. Now select the option for Show formulas in cells instead of their calculated results. Click OK. When returned to your worksheet you should see numbers only where an actual numeric data piece is located, text and formulas. Time to get busy editing yeah, I know, more work to do but hopefully this will make it easier. ~ April Did you like this Office Tip? Did you not? Tell us by rating or adding to it here: Spruce Up Your Front Yard Or Garden With These Stainless Steel Solar Garden Lights Let's face it...we all love to save money. And we all like to have a yard that looks nice, too. Problem is, those two things usually don't go together! But here's something that will save you money while at the same time, give the old homestead a nice image boost! Don't these lights look great? They use an Ultra bright LED bulb so it gives off more light than you'd expect! And they automatically turn on at dusk and shut off at dawn, which means I don't have to remember to turn them on or off - huge time saver and money saver, to boot! The sun charges up the built-in battery and it provides light for up to 8 hours on a full charge! Pretty hard to argue with, I think! Another thing I really like about these lights is that since they're solar-powered, you don't have to run wires or add plugs. That's a huge money saver right there! Plus - no electric bill..isn't that a change!) And during the day, they'll really add some decor to your yard. Even when they're turned off and being charged up by the sun, they'll still lookin' good in the yard! Well, guess ya can't ask for much more than that! O.K., so you can grab one pair of these lights or, to really save some money, grab the "special deal" and get 3-pairs, for a total of six lights! Order A Two Pack (2 Lights - $19.97): http://store.worldstart.com/ Order A Six Pack (6 Lights - $38.97 - Best Deal!!) http://store.worldstart.com/ P.S. - At these prices, you might want to grab a few extra for the back yard! Hey guess what??? We just found an EXTRA, neat little feature that we didn't even know about! How would you like to have "Internet Radio" on this device along with EVERYTHING ELSE it can do? Yep, that's right! We just out that you can download the software updates (free of charge!) you can sign up for Yahoo Radio and you'll get put up Internet Radio stations thru your WiFi connection! Don't worry, it's easy to set up and we'll send you the simple directions along with this great little player!!! Just take a look at everything this can do!!! The Entertainment Center That Fits In Your Pocket! (All I Can Say Is That This Thing is Sweeeeet!!!) Here at WorldStart, we do our best to give you valuable "technical" tips and ideas that can help make your life more productive and fun! Last week, as you may recall, we ran a poll asking: "How often do you use an mp3 player/Digital Music Player?". The results were that 65.03% of those who took the poll Have Never Used An mp3 Player!!! (Nearly 11% didn't even know what an mp3 player was!) So, we decided that this is an area that we can shed a little bit of light cuz a bunch of you are really missin' out! Very simply, an mp3 player is a portable device that plays "digital" audio files. That's it. It gets its name ("mp3") from the name of the type of these files. Microsoft Word is a ".doc" file. Excel can be referred to as an ".xls" file. These audio files are labeled "mp3" and someone cleverly decided to name the devices that play these files, "mp3 players". (I know...whoever had that idea didn't win any awards for imagination but it did keep things simple.) So, maybe you like to listen to songs on your computer when you're at your desk. But, what if you're NOT at your desk! That's where technology comes in. (After all, that's why you got a computer in the first place, to make technology work for you!) So these mp3 players are small, portable "players" that you can carry around with you . If this reminds you of those portable cassette players "back in the day", you're on the right track. But if you recall, those tapes couldn't hold very much music, so you had to carry around a boatload of tapes, right? (You may have even had one of those "cassette carriers"...what a hassle!) So, O.K., what if you could carry ALL of those songs (and then some!) inside a device that also played those songs - and, it was smaller than the entire cassette player? Pretty neat, heh? Well, that's what this mp3 player can do. So, how do you get all those songs onto this thing? Pretty simple actually. Plug one end of the cable (that's included) into the player and the end into a USB slot in your computer. Your computer will then show you a message letting you know that you plugged the player in. Next, fire-up Windows Media Player on your computer. Hit the "Synch" Tab on Windows Media Player. You'll then see this screen image below. Here you see that the two songs that are on the left side are the songs that I have on my computer. The mp3 player (labeled, "Sansa PMP -SanDisk") appears on the right side. Click on the songs you want to copy, drag them over to the mp3 player and drop 'em - that's it. You're ready to Rock 'n Roll! Oh, and check out the controls - very intuitive, very easy to use! Let me tell you about another idea I think you're gonna love. Chances are, you've visited some websites that had audio files that you could download to your computer. These could be lectures, recorded teleconferences, pre-recorded radio shows, whatever. You'd love to listen to them but you never seem to have the time when you're at your desk. Too bad you couldn't listen to those recordings some other time, like, ohhh, maybe while your driving, walking or even working out. Well, now you can! Go ahead and download those recordings to your computer, "synch" them to your mp3 player just like we did above and now you can listen to those files at your convenience! But hang on a sec...it gets better! Some players, in addition to playing audio files (mp3 files), can also play VIDEO FILES, also referred to as mp4 files. (And, "Yes", these devices are called, "mp4 players"! See, there IS a method to this computer madness!) "You mean to tell me these can play VIDEOS??" Yep...sure can! And you can carry them where ever you want to go! Now keep in mind these players are limited based on how much storage room they have. So you're not going to get "Gone With The Wind" on there. Most people have videos from Video Camcorders (great way to see videos of the family!) or short video clips from the Internet. But you can carry these video clips with you! Speaking of "family", you probably have a few photos in your wallet or purse. How would you like to be able to have an entire photo album...yep, stored on this same device? Well, hold on, cuz most mp4 players can also "read" jpg files (i.e., "photos")! Hmmm...starting to get interesting, isn't it? So, how would you like to have a simple little device that can carry (and play):
As you may imagine, these "players" come in all different shapes and sizes, each with greater or lesser capabilities. Like anything else, the more you spend, the more options you get...usually. But, as you probably already know, we like to do things a LOT different! To make a long story short, we've been on the look out for a great little player that's easy to use, yet jammed pack full of features. And...at a fantastic price. Well, we got one that fits all those requirements!!! This little honey plays mp3 files and mp4 files has 4 GB of memory, has a clear and vivid video screen, and is made by SanDisk, which is a company with a strong reputation! Oh yeah....you're gonna LOVE this thing! Just think...carry around hours and hours of songs that you can play whenever and where ever you are. Plus, no more havin' to jam only a few photos in your wallet or purse when you can carry around a photo album worth of pictures! This mp3/mp4 player is loaded with tons of features. It even has an Equalizer with 7 pre-set settings. (try the "Bass Setting", that's my favorite one!) And this unit comes complete with everything you need to get started! To be honest, I'm not a big fan of "earbuds", (as you may have read in our newsletters) so I use a different set than the ones that come with this unit. This is what I use and the sound is fantastic! (It may not make any difference you; this is just one of those things I'm kind of picky about.) And, by the way, this uses a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery, which I also love. Anyway, there's a bunch more features that are listed on the product page if you want to read all the "specs". Here's the deal on this: We were able to get a few of these units...at a really great price. That's it. We've seen this same player listed on the web for, believe it not - $216!!! (Ouch!) But, like I said, we got a great deal, so we can pass that along to yiou. And we want to do this to make it especially to those of you who have never had a chance to use one of these before! So, we're letting these great little mp3/mp4 units go for only $48.97 and US Shipping is FREE!!! PS - RUN, don't walk to the checkout on this one, cuz this really is one Sweet Deal!!!
When it comes to computers, there's always help available somewhere; be it your tech-savvy friend, the nerd next door or the kind folks here at Worldstart. Did you know that there is help that's even closer than that, though? Swing by the WS site today and learn about some other alternative help avenues you can take! Oh my, that is pretty lengthy! Let's talk about a web address that's so long it almost fills the entire address bar, and that's without any suffixes added to it! That address is: http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/ Head over to the Worldstart site and go to great lengths! Here's the link you need: http://www.worldstart.com/ Enjoy! Five More Vista Tips Windows Vista has quite a few hidden capabilities and... well, Microsoft doesnt really know how to shine light on them. So, since a lot of you out there might ( and I stress, the word "might") be using Vista by now, I'm going to get a floodlight and discuss some of those handy tips in this article. Believe me, they will help you become a power Vista user in no time! 1.) If your computer has a motherboard with a built in Hi-Definition audio support, you can use a very cool feature in Vista that lets you control the bass, create a virtual surround sound and even correct your non-acoustic rooms. To enable these options, you need to go to the Sound option in the Control Panel. Under the Playback tab, you should see an option that says Speakers. Click on it and another dialogue box will open. In the new dialogue box, go to the tab that says Enhancements and you will see the options listed there. Select the ones you require for your computer and you'll be good to go. 2.) For people who use Vista on their laptops, Microsoft has added a very useful little control panel called the Mobility Center. Now, this is not the regular control panel you have been used to for so many years. The goal of the Mobility Center is to easily let you configure small basic things with your PC. Simple tasks, such as checking the battery level, enabling or disabling wireless connections, attaching an external display or even muting the sound, for example. For heavy laptop users, its a good idea to add a shortcut to the startup group to always have the Mobility Center ready for use. Or, you can always press the Windows key + X to access it as well. 3.) When you are working with files and folders in Windows Explorer, press the Shift key while you right click. This presents you with an advanced menu that allows you to access additional options, which also let you perform certain tasks, such as copying the path to a file, adding to the quick launch bar or putting something new in the startup menu. 4.) One smart thing that Windows Vista does is it packs in a lot of diagnostic tools. Most people wont need to use all of them, but one such tool that is extremely useful is the System Health Report. The System Health monitor provides you with an informative and organized report that can help you pin point potential problems. To use this, go to Start, Control Panel, System and Maintenance, Performance Information and Tools. You will see a task list on the left. Click on Advanced Tools. The last item on the list is "Generate a system health report." The report takes roughly 60 seconds to run, which makes it easy to run many of them whenever you need to. 5.) Finally, I will leave you with some Vista Windows Explorer and dialogue box shortcuts. Remember, using the keyboard not only saves you valuable time while you work, but its also good to impress that boss of yours who may think you don't know your way around a keyboard! Vista Shortcuts While Working in Windows Explorer Num Lock + Asterisk (*) on numeric keypad - Displays all subfolders under the selected folder. Num Lock + Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad - Displays the contents of the selected folder. Num Lock + Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypad - Collapses the selected folder. Alt + D - Selects the Address bar. Vista Shortcuts While Working in a Dialogue Box Ctrl + Tab - Move forward through tabs. Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Move back through tabs. Tab - Move forward through options. Shift + Tab - Move back through options. Alt + Underlined Letter - Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter. Spacebar - Select or clear the checkbox if the active option is a checkbox. Arrow Keys - Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons. There you have it. I hope you're able to put all these Vista tips to good use soon! ~ Yogesh Bakshi Did you enjoy this tip? Did you not? Let us know by rating or adding to this tip here: If you enjoy our tips, tell your friends. That's what keeps this newsletter growing. PCI Compliance Some seriously bad news for data security came out this week. According to the 2009 Data Breach Investigation Report, there were 295 million data records stolen (or breached) last year. That is more than the previous 4 years combined! Also, according to the report, 64% of these breaches were done by hackers, while 38% were done through malware. These are some shocking numbers, and keep in mind also that this is not a report on personal computer attacks, but large scale ones. Specifically, large companies with customer data were targeted. We're talking about thousands or millions of records at once! Now, I know that this makes Internet shopping seems like a scary idea, but there is also something to be gained from this report, too. What it shows is that more than 75% of the successful attacks were made against companies that were not PCI compliant. What is PCI compliance? According to our good friends at Wikipedia: "The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a worldwide information security standard assembled by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). The standard was created to help organizations that process card payments prevent credit card fraud through increased controls around data and its exposure to compromise. The standard applies to all organizations which hold, process, or pass cardholder information from any card branded with the logo of one of the card brands." So, how do you know if a site is PCI compliant? Not all sites actively announce their compliance, but many will show some sort of security proof. For example, on our software store you will see this image in the top right hand corner: If you click this button on our site (or any other site for that matter) you will be shown a page from Mcafee that certifies the security compliance of the site. While we choose to use Mcafee as our certifying company, there are many others. Next time, before you make a purchase, take a look at the site to see if they are certified! Until next time, Stay safe out there. ~Gary Did you like this tip? Want some more? Let us know by rating or adding to it here: For stories, jokes, quotes and cartoons every day, sign up for our Just for Grins newsletter. Do you run an organization, club, or sports team? Would you like a great place to share photos, set up events, and create a group calendar, all for free? I know I do for my book club at school! My absolute favorite feature of this site is that you can demo it before you have to sign up for your own account. So you can truly see if it will work for your needs without filling anything out. To do the demo, you’ll need to click one of the qlubb links at the top of the page. You’ll find them just above the red text that reads Check out our Demo Qlubbs. I selected book club to do my demo. It will take you to a login page, where all the login information is filled in. All you have to do is click the Enter button. You can edit anything on the page that you could normally edit in a club. I edited the pictures, the events, the blurb area where you can tell everyone all about your group you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to use! (If you check it out and the book club is still Books and Cake, you’ll know I was there.) You can also check out this video where a 3 and a 6 year old explain how Qlubb works. They go through all the features of the site it’s really kinda cute. Have you decided that Qlubb is for you? Great! To get started creating your own Qlubb click the Create Qlubb button the main page. The form is super easy to fill out. Just pick a name for your qlubb, enter your e-mail address, create a password, and let them know what kind of club you are! Then click the Create Qlubb button! That’s it you’re good to go! This site provides a great service, that lets you cut down on overhead costs (can you imagine having to print 30 calendars each month, and then have the event’s date change?), and allows you to share your photos and keep track of everyone for free! Check it out today! ~Amanda Did you like this Cool Site? Want some more? Tell us by rating or adding to this tip here: Do you have a cool, non-commercial site that you want to share? NOW HEAR THIS! This "Travel Link" has been a reader favorite this week!!! (That's an understatement!) Looks like people have been scooping up a few for family and friends as gifts! We went back to our suppliers and were able to get enough to (hopefully) carry us over thru til the end of today. But please, hurry and secure your own "Travel Link" ASAP! These little suckers are movin' quick! Over the past few weeks we've had a number of products sell out and some of our readers were disappointed cuz when they hit the shopping cart, the "cupboard was bare"! This is a great way...THE Best Way...we've seen, to transfer files both quickly AND easily. So be sure to grab one or two of these today! Transfer Files Without A Computer! If You Like "Quick and Easy", You'll Want This... The TravelLink is a small device that can transfer data from one place to another - all without a computer. "BAM"...you're done! OK, that's the "Readers Digest" version of what this does - which actually may be enough for those who are "tech" savvy, and who'll just immediately scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the link and get one of these for every person that's on their "gift" list. For those who don't already understand and appreciate what this can do, keep reading...you soon will! It won't do anything as dramatic as save your life or bringing about world peace, but you can count on this saving you a whole lot of money and an equal (if not greater) amount of time, hassle and frustration. And you'll write to thank me. Let me tell you why... Let's say you're on vacation, in the middle of "who knows where". You got your camera and your just snappin' away, havin' a ball. All of a sudden, you see a great scene (maybe of the kids, a unique site, could be any of a thousand things) you "click" and ....nuthin'! The camera card's full. Better pull out another empty one, except you forgot to bring it! No problem, someone in your party says they have a card you can try. Problem is, it's the wrong kind. (Your camera uses a "card" file but they actually have a USB flash drive.) How much would you be willing to pay for an empty card right about now? That is, if there was a store anywhere around. Or how 'bout this common scenario... You bump into some friends (or family) and they've got some great pictures, or music files, or actually ANY KIND OF FILE - on memory card...or a USB flash drive...or on their camera...or on their mp3 player or on...well, as you probably already figured out, it could be on ANY USB device or just about ANY kind of memory card or drive...it DOESN"T MATTER!!! Anyway, they got some kind of "stuff" (you fill in the blank) on "some kind of drive/flash" (again, you fill in the blank) and you want it. They'll probably say they'll email all of that to you, "Just don't you worry, you'll get it!" Don't tell me...you're still waiting! Here's the weird part: those "files" were RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU...but you couldn't have 'em. You had to wait for the other person to get to their computer! Well, you'll never have to hear that excuse again!!! So, why do I call the TravelLink, the "Ultimate Digital Device"? Get this - You'll be able to transfer files between any two USB storage devices! Think of the possibilities! Just imagine - you can transfer files between almost any combo you can think of! Transfer between:
OK, you get the picture! Pretty much any combination of USB and / or memory card storage you can come up with (memory cards, external HDs, flash drives, MP3 players, digital cameras etc) you can transfer files between with this! All without a computer! WOW!! That means music, photos, and other types of electronic data can be quickly transferred between flash cards,...even between MULTIPLE Card Formats or USB flash drives, digital cameras, external hard drives, or MP3 players. And you can move individually selected files between devices or copy the entire contents of the device all at once. And do it quickly and easily. The cool LCD screen makes it simple to do. And it's portable. Not, "like your laptop portable". I'm talkin', "fit in the palm of your hand" portable. And, it runs on 3 "AAA" batteries so you can take it anywhere...and you probably should because it's as useful as it is versatile. By the way, you might want to keep an extra one in your laptop case 'cuz this can double as an "8-in-1"card reader! (Told you it was versatile!) (Check out all the places to "plug-in" below! There's TWO USB ports, one "mini" USB, and a "card" slot that reads eight different types of cards. And a "USB to mini-USB" cable is included!) What's more, Memorex sells these off their site for $69.99!!! But we'd figure you'd rather get a better deal than that (do we know our readers of what???) So, how about $15.97 and U.S. Shipping is FREE!!! Nope...that's no misprint. But, you better jump all over this...as in NOW!!! After you, if YOU like a great deal, chances are a lot of other people are thinkin' the same thing. Here's your link: http://store.worldstart.com/ P.S. - Oh, and that thought of grabbin' one of these as gifts for folks on your shoppin' list really IS a great idea! O.K., I'll stop talkin' so you can start clickin'... April Wallpaper
Here's April's wallpaper. It's all free, so enjoy! All can be found here: http://www.worldstart.com/ Enjoy! | ||||||||
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Have you ever felt like throwing that computer out the window? Or maybe throwing the Windows out the window? Okay calm down, we are collecting as many helpful newsletters from experienced guru authors to help you. Of course I actually may write a few myself. I have been working at computers since the 70's and had my own business for about 17 years. Cpedley.com will give you some good tips about computers and some FREE software! See notice at bottom.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Computer Tips [ Frightening Security Report + Our Most Alarming Tip Ever + More Ways To Block Junk Mail ] 04/22/2009
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This blog consists mainly of FREE newsletters from computer web gurus that I receive. I thought you might like to see them all in one place than try to discover them on your own. A moderate amount of editing may be done to eliminate unrelated repetitious ads or unnecessary text which bloat the post.
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Thanks for understanding that we need to prevent the nasties.