Monday, December 8, 2008

Expand your range - Monday, Dec. 8, 2008

Kim's Club Shop Listen Columns Cool Sites Tips Buying Guide Video of the Day

Monday, Dec. 8, 2008

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Today's Cool Site...

Expand your range

Few of us still use film cameras. We prefer the convenience and cost savings of digital photography.

But there are some die-hard film fans. They're willing to forego the convenience of digital. They also don't mind shelling out for film and developing.

Why do they stick with film? There are a number of reasons. But the most common is probably dynamic range. This is the difference between the darkest and the lightest tones.

Digital photos just don't match the dynamic range of film photos. So, film photos are more detailed.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. You can try high dynamic range imaging. It will give you richer, more nuanced photos.

You'll need special software to create high dynamic range images. I have a free program on my site that will do the trick.

Before you get started with HDR photography, you might want a quick tutorial. So, check out my handy step-by-step guide.

Be prepared to be wowed by the dramatic, breath-taking results!

Give Your Family A Practical, Affordable Gift This Year!

Every day, Team Komando produces some of the best content you'll find anywhere on the Internet. Here is a sampling of what's new on our site today!

Big Prizes, Daily!: Enter today to win great prizes in my Great Giveaway Sweepstakes! Head on over to and enter online to win today's online prize—a $250 Garmin nuvi 255 GPS navigator. This affordable, pocket-sized navigator has voice-prompted directions to millions of destinations, including restaurants, hotels, stores and more. Enter every day online for more chances to win daily prizes and our Grand Prize drawing, too!

Video of the Day: Christmas music is one of the highlights of the season. And everyone has a favorite. This might be my new favorite!

Digital Minute, on your radio: Cell phones are hot gifts this Christmas. But not just any cell phone will do. Learn about this year's hottest ones.

Free Download of the Day: Some decisions are to tough to make alone. This program will help you organize your thoughts.

Tip on the site: So, Word no longer opens Word documents when you click them. What's going on? I have the answer--and a simple fix!


Kim :)

Save Old Negatives & Slides >From Deteriorating!
Great Christmas Gift Idea!

• Transfer slides & negatives to your computer
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• Fast, light, portable and easy to use scanner

Other Items of Interest
Sensible and Affordabe Holiday Gifts
Jingle Bell Bottle Stopper


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