Friday, May 15, 2009

[TechRepublic] Five mistakes managers make most often

May 15, 2009

Five mistakes managers make most often

IT CareerIf you're a manager struggling to find out why your team is dysfunctional, Career blogger Toni Bowers suggests you take a look at the behaviors in this list and see if any of them look familiar.

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Geekend Picks of the Week

Hubble Spacewalk simulatorScreenshots: Hubble Spacewalk simulator
A new educational project from NASA and DigitalSpace, the Educational Spacewalk simulator is designed to give students, educators and others a way to experience what astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle will be doing when they walk in space to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Star Trek D-A-C Xbox liveStar Trek D-A-C for Xbox Live Arcade hands-on
Check out the movie-based multiplayer shooter, Star Trek: D-A-C, on Xbox Live Arcade, exclusively for the 360, costing you a cool-as-Spock 800 points.

Want a home server? Buy one for less than $400
Scott Lowe likes Windows Home Server -- a lot. Although he's running his own HP MediaSmart EX475, HP's new LX195 hits a sweet spot. It's not as beefy as HP's higher-end MediaSmart servers, but it's also much less expensive and still provides many of the same benefits.

Is the BlackBerry Storm better than the iPhone for the enterprise?
As the first BlackBerry Smartphone on the market with a touch screen, how does the BlackBerry Storm fare from an enterprise perspective? Blogger and BlackBerry user Paul Mah speaks from his experience after using one for a week.

Deep Flight Super FalconPhotos: Unveiling the winged submersible
Graham Hawkes appeared at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco on Wednesday to unveil his newest and most advanced winged submersible, the Deep Flight Super Falcon.

Advice from a techie who has learned to love netbooks
TechRepublic member dcolbert shares his experience with netbooks and explains why you shouldn't listen to the advice of people who tried these devices and could never get past the "deal-breakers" to see the full range of possibilities.

What classic system do you wish you worked on or miss working on?
Justin James says he knows a lot of people who wish they had worked on a Cray system or a Lisp machine, and other people who miss working on systems like the Burroughs machines. What classic system do you wished you worked on or miss working on?

Fold-up helicopterPhotos: Someday, a compact, fold-up helicopter
Innovations in personal transportation beyond the car often seem like the stuff of science fiction. But one day we might all be parking foldable mini-helicopters like these in our garages.

Sonja Trek look-alikeSeparated at birth: Do Sonja and Jay look like Star Trek characters?
Do TechRepublic Senior Editor Sonja Thompson and Jay Garmon resemble Star Trek characters? Check out these photos.

Find more optical distractions in the TechRepublic gallery collection and the TR video channel.

Product Spotlight: Shuttle SN68SG2 Desktop PC
The small form factor of the Shuttle SN68SG2 Desktop PC is the perfect solution for tight cubicles, offices, and other spaces where a standard desktop will not fit.

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