Monday, May 18, 2009

[TechRepublic] Evaluating the BlackBerry Storm's usability in the enterprise

May 18, 2009
Is the BlackBerry Storm better than the iPhone for the enterprise?
As the first BlackBerry Smartphone on the market with a touch screen, how does the BlackBerry Storm fare from an enterprise perspective? Blogger and BlackBerry user Paul Mah speaks from his experience after using one for a week.

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Secure your Cisco Network Time Protocol with these tips
Lori Hyde makes recommendations for your Cisco routers to secure Network Time Protocol, a critical function for your network, which affects crucial items such as VPNs, time-based ACLs, and authentication.

Automate data classification with new features in Windows Server 2008 R2
In Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft has added some new automating features to file classification. The File Classification Infrastructure makes it possible to automatically assign classification information to files on file servers and apply policy to them based on that information.

Options in the cloud: Amazon Web services
Once understanding what it can do for you, the off-premise cloud is a tough leap for many organizations. In this blog, IT authority Rick Vanover breaks down one cloud in the Amazon offering.

Video: CIOs say virtualization is ready for prime time
Peter Solvik of Sigma Partners asks a panel of CIOs whether virtualization is ready for primetime. The IT chiefs discuss server-level and desktop virtualization and how the technology is helping their businesses run more efficiently.

Clustering enhancements in Windows Server 2008 R2 improve migration time
An enhancement to Windows Server 2008 R2 is clustered shared volumes. Rick Vanover provides an overview of this important change.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Secure your USB drives with BitLocker To Go for Windows 7
With the huge increase in the use of very small, large capacity, USB drives, the potential for sensitive data to be lost or stolen has really become more of a problem. Greg Shultz introduces you to the Windows 7 version of BitLocker To Go and shows you how it works on a 1GB USB thumb drive.

10+ ways to learn more efficiently
To succeed as an IT pro, you have to pursue knowledge and new skills on an ongoing basis -- even if you have limited time and rusty study habits. Calvin Sun shares a dozen pointers that will help you master -- and remember -- new material.

Video: TR Out Loud - May 15, 2009
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iPhone: Why I may be seduced by the dark side
Tech Sanity CheckJason Hiner has written about the iPhone and its delicate dance in the enterprise. Learn why he thinks the iPhone's time may have arrived, and the one big obstacle he sees holding it back (hint: it's not the keyboard).

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