Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Take a sneak peek at Apple's iPhone OS 3.0

Take a sneak peek at
Apple's iPhone OS 3.0

Wed., March 25, 2009

Take a sneak peek at Apple's iPhone OS 3.0

On March 17, Apple gave a group of journalists, analysts, and developers a preview of what we can expect from the iPhone OS 3.0 Software. Apple promises that the iPhone's latest operating system will have 100 new features, including copy and paste, peer-to-peer networking, push notification, and a whole lot more.

Below are just a few of the features they showcased during last week's event. Will these new features make you more likely to buy and iPhone? Take our poll and let us know.

-- Bill Detwiler, TechRepublic Head Technology Editor

Apple gives a sneak peek at iPhone OS 3.0...
Apple shows off iPhone OS 3.0 cut, copy, and paste feature
At long last, iPhone users will soon be able to copy and paste text and images. Apple's senior vice president of iPhone software, Scott Forstall, demonstrates the new tap-and-drag feature.
iPhone OS 3.0 update lets you send and receive photos, contacts and more
The iPhone finally gets multimedia messaging, letting you text message photos, calendar invites, and even contacts to another phone.
Phone OS 3.0 update adds peer-to-peer networking support
Play multiplayer games and share data with the iPhone user next to you. Apple iPhone software guru Scott Forstall demonstrates.
iPhone OS 3.0 Spotlight lets you search for text across e-mails, contacts, and more
Scott Forstall, Apple's senior vice president of iPhone software, shows off a new feature that will allow users to search for specific e-mail messages, applications, contacts, and other data.
iPhone OS 3.0 introduces Apple Push Notification Service
Instant messaging and other real-time alerts will soon be available on your iPhone. Apple iPhone software guru Scott Forstall demonstrates.
iPhone OS 3.0 lets you buy content from within third-party applications
Apple senior vice president of iPhone software Scott Forstall explains how iPhone users can buy new game levels, subscription content, and more from within an iPhone application.
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Latest Quick Polls...
Do the new features in Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 update make you more likely to buy an iPhone?
Do IT vendors have a place in online discussions of their products?
What is your biggest productivity killer?
How is your IT department handling the March Madness 2009 streaming?
What are your must-have development tools?

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