Thursday, July 23, 2009

[TechRepublic] Rrecession-proof your IT group; IPv6 being exploited already?

July 23, 2009

Four ways to recession-proof your IT group

Sanity Savers for IT ExecutivesIn a difficult economy, IT becomes invaluable for driving efficiency and cost savings. However, to become perpetually relevant, IT needs to be perceived as a value-generating, strategically active department. Here are four ways that IT can prove its worth and generate tangible business value.

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Check out Today in Blogs on TechRepublic.


How much do IT professionals earn?

Implementing energy-efficient data centers (American Power Conversion (APC))

Determining TCO for data center infrastructure (American Power Conversion (APC))

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IT blocks social networking in 71% of organizations
The American Management Association estimates half of U.S. employers restrict workers from social networking sites. A TechRepublic poll indicates the number is even higher.

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